Founder of Vaishnavism: Sri Ramanujacharya

Founder of Vaishnavism: Sri Ramanujacharya
Founder of Vaishnavism: Sri Ramanujacharya

VaiShakh Sud-5 means Sri Ramanujacharyaji's birthday. We all know that Sri Ramanujacharyaji means the founder of Sri Sampradaya. Sri Keshwacharyaji started the yajna on the arrow of Kumud lake on the coast of Madras to obtain the best Putra Ratna. At the completion of the yajna, Parthasarathi came in the dream of Lord Sri Keshwacharyaji and said. I am your son

I will incarnate in the form of Birth of Sri Ramanujacharyaji

Sri Parthasarathy by the grace of God in AD. In 1017, when the Sun was in Aries, Cancer Lagna in Adra Nakshatra occurred at 12 noon on Chaitra Sud fifth Thursday. He was the virtuous son of father Srikeshwacharyaji and mother Krantimati.

Biography of Sri Ramanujacharyaji

Shri Ramanujacharyaji was in the tradition of Alwandarshree Yamunacharyaji. He lost his father's shadow at a very young age. He went to Sri Kanchi and studied Vedas from Yadavprakashji. Sri Ramanujacharyaji was unique in learning, character and devotion. It was with this force that the princess in Kanchinagari was freed from the ghostly obstacle. Once when Yamunacharyaji was counting the hours of his death, Sri Ramanuja reached there. At that time, Yamunacharyaji had reached Paramadham. Sri Ramanuja saw Yamunacharya's three fingers bent. Immediately he understood that the sign was towards me, that he wanted to write a special commentary on the Brahmasutra- Srivishnu Sahasranama and Alvandar through me. At the same time Sri Ramanujacharyaji bowed down to Yamunacharyaji's dead body and said that these three orders of yours are Shirodharya. These three I will prepare and make a detailed description of the texts. As soon as he said this, the three fingers opened. Panchasamskara Diksha Grahan by Shri Mahapurna Swamiji

Sri Mahapurna Swamiji, Pradhan's disciple of Chamunacharyaji, was initiated into the Sampradaya by assuming the Taptamudra of Shankha Chakra on both sides. After that he renounced the householder and went to Srirangam and took initiation as a monk from Vyatiraj Sannyasi. Sri Ramanujacharyaji took initiation of Ashtakshara Mantra (ૐ Namah Narayanai) from Tirukottithur Mahatma Nabi. Guru asked to keep this mantra secret. Sri Ramanujacharya publicly donated this mantra to all the people by climbing the peak of the temple. When the Guru got angry and said that you will go to hell, Sri Ramanujacharyaji became very happy and said that it doesn't matter, people will be blessed with this mantra, then I will suffer hell for this.

am ready . Hearing this, the Guru blessed him with great love. An interesting episode in the life of Sri Ramanujacharyaji

Sri Ramanujacharyaji went to Puri to visit Sri Jagannathji in Orissa and saw the priests and pandas inside the temple corrupt. He was deeply saddened and at the same time engaged a thousand of his disciples in the service of the temple. 

Panda-priests were given leave. Lord Jagannath appeared in a dream and said to Ramanujacharya, Panda people are in front of me. Clap and dance. They are dear to me. They are poor. They will worship me. Sri Ji Ramanujacharyeji did not want to allow Panda to worship. In this direction, Lord Jagannathji. 

Garudji ordered Sri Ramanujacharyaji and all the disciples to deliver Srirangam - do. At that time, when all these were asleep, Garudji sent the ships along with Sri Ramanuja. 

delivered the Srirangam and again engaged the panda-priests in their daily service. When he woke up in the morning, he was in Srirang, and seeing this incident, he was shocked to see the devotion of God.

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