Free from delusion Karari Mohini Ekadashi

MoHini does not mean to seduce, but to free from enchantment. Anger, hatred and infatuation are the causes of sinful darkness, only by removing them the light of Dharma spreads. Harkoi wakes up in the first watch of the night, Bhogi wakes up in the second watch, Chor wakes up in the third watch and Yogi wakes up in the fourth watch. 

Yoga and Bhog are one and the same. When Vrati reaches the extreme of sadhana, then the limit of yoga is reached. His mind becomes free from delusion. Even a moment of infatuation can be won with character. 

The moment of infatuation comes in everyone's life. Kamasakti is the great attraction of the world. There is no other power other than Nara- Narayana Rishi to conquer the feminine tenderness. 

Lord Krishna conquered Kama by being with women and Kept a vow of religious celibacy. Yudhishthira asked Shri Krishna, 'O Lord! What is the form of infatuation and what is the remedy for getting rid of infatuation?'

'Hey Rajan! When infatuation grows in the heart, the mind becomes delusional. Then this is doable and there is no improper consciousness, this is called Moh. The cause of fascination is the five senses (word, touch, form, taste and smell). The five senses are related to the five subjects. If the elegant, beautiful form of a formful woman is seen, then the instinct is attached to it and the instinct does not remain in the form or idol of God. The mind becomes restrained, so as long as the mind is engrossed in the five beautiful aspects, the fascination does not cease. Therefore, attachment to the subject is the cause of infatuation. To uproot the mind that is stuck in the subject, one must first strengthen self-confidence. I am the soul, but not the body. This idea should be first tolerated.'

O Dharmanandan, I am telling you the story of Mohini Ekadashi that Vasishtha Muni told Sri Rama. One who performs Mohini Ekadashi is freed from infatuation and gets rid of all sins.

A king named Dhutiman was ruling in Bhadravati city on the bank of Saraswati river. Born in the Soma dynasty, this king was Prajavatsal and truthful. In this town there was a wealthy big donor named Dhanpal. He dug wells, opened food fields, constructed ponds, provided facilities for drinking water and inns.

Dhanapal, a devotee of Vishnu, had five sons. There was a son named Dhrishtabuddhi who was very mischievous and promiscuous. He squandered his father's wealth on gambling, liquor and beauty, so the king gave him country. While hunting in the forest, one day he came to the ashram of Kaudinya Muni.

Munivarya was bathing in the Ganges in the month of Vaishakh. Kaudinya Muni was lowering Parvari year by bathing. Splashes of water fell on Dhrishtabuddhi and his sins were washed away.

Going to the ashram, he prostrated himself to the sage and said, 'Tell me the atonement of my sins. Kaudinya Muni ordered him to fast on Mohini Ekadashi. On this day, the accumulated merits of those who eat food are destroyed.

As instructed by the sage, he performed a ritual fast and became free from sin.

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